Monday, 7 March 2011

To all drivers: 07/03/2011

Good day all OMSI-Drivers. As you may, or may not, be aware, a new rota system is being 'implanted' into OMSI, in the form of .pdf rota shift cards.

In OMSI Simulation, you will notice there is a whats called a RUNNING CARD inside your bus.This stays with the bus from the beginning of the day till the end of the day, but there can be up to 10 different drivers of that bus during the day.

So how do drivers know when it is their turn to take a drive on that bus I hear you ask.

Well they get a DRIVER CARD, which clearly dictates where they start, what buses to catch and drop and where and when they finish their day. So some drivers could work 9am till 6pm, and have a few different bus swaps throughout the day.

OMSI-Driver Database will supply these DRIVER CARDS for you. Please note it is early days, and like the real world, driver rotas ARE CONSTANTLY CHANGING. However, if you a love a rota shift so much, then please let us know and we will try and maintain it for you.

Here are the current list of drivers and their numbers. You will notice along the top are ROTA A, ROTA B and ROTA N. Rota A is a normal, anyday rota, wheras Rota B is primarily working weekday and Rota N is primarily evening-early morning. On holidays, Rota C will come into play. Next to your driver number you will see a letter. Please relate to this letter and go to the relevant page for more information on your shift pattern. If you have any issues, please let us know.

krtz07 - 10400/B
flippy1008 - 10550/A
PeterG - 10556/A
davidrogers - 10678/B
crazyjefke - 10777/A
gneb - 10778/A
OMSIfan - 10920/N
SuperOwl86 - 10922/B
Please contact flippy1008 on the forums or here to change your rotas. We will be adding shift patterns over the coming days. Any mistakes also report asap. We wish you safe driving and constant check back to make sure you pick up the correct rota, and if there have been any chances.

Welcome to the team.

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