Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Rota B Weekday Now UP!

Rota B weekday is now up! Check it out here. This DOES NOT include weekends yet.

Also, everyone on this rota NEEDS to include download Pilzdorf since it appears several times on this rota. You can claim Pilzdorf for free from here.

krtz07 - 10400/B
davidrogers - 10678/B
SuperOwl86 - 10922/B
tomtoon - 10999/B
D. L. Wade - 48591/B

Backupsflippy1008 - 10550/A
crazyjefke - 10777/A
Here is the rota system. This would start on a physical Monday til Friday. Figure 1such as 001/B is the rota card you should pick up (see above), and Figure Two such as 10922/B is the driver who has that card. For example 001/A - 10999B means driver 10999B would print off 001/B for that days operation! Please DO NOT change your rota card, since then one service will be missing!

Week One
Monday001/B - 10400/B
002/B - 48591/B
003/B - 10922/B
004/B - 10678/B
005/B - 10550/A

Tuesday001/B - 10777/A
002/B - 10400/B
003/B - 10678/B
004/B - 10922/B
005/B - 10999/B

001/B - 10400/B
002/B - 10678/B
003/B - 10922/B
004/B - 10999/B
005/B - 48591/B

001/B - 48591/B
002/B - 10999/B
003/B - 10550/A
004/B - 10400/B
005/B - 10922/B

001/B - 10550/A
002/B - 10678/B
003/B - 48591/B
004/B - 10999/B
005/B - 10777/A

Week Two
001/B - 48591/B
002/B - 10999/B
003/B - 10400/B
004/B - 10992/B
005/B - 10678/B

001/B - 10777/A
002/B - 10678/B
003/B - 10992/B
004/B - 10400/B
005/B - 10999/B

001/B- 10550/A
002/B - 10992/B
003/B - 10400/B
004/B - 10999/B
005/B - 48591/B

001/B - 10777/A
002/B - 10400/B
003/B - 10999/B
004/B-  48591/B
005/B - 10678/B

001/B - 10999/B
002/B - 10550/A
003/B - 10777/A
004/B - 10678/B
005/B - 48591/B

and then back to Week One.

If you spot any problems, please note them here in this post, or on the forum thread found here.

Rota N and Rota A shifts to come, followed by Weekend and Holiday shifts. Hold tight and happy driving!

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